RK Consulting, Ltd outsources PC networking and IT administration for small to medium-sized businesses. We bring over 25 years of computer and networking experience. RK Consulting, Ltd can help you use todays Information Technology to reach your business goals faster. We specialize in small to medium-sized business solutions and understand the unique IT concerns that your organization may face.
Celebrating over 16 years as a local small business in Denver Colorado, since 1999, businesses of all kinds have chosen RK Consulting, Ltd for their network solutions because of our great customer service and caring attitude.
Our philosophy:
- Be courteous and prompt for all appointments
- Be knowledgeable on current technology and software
- Listen carefully to fully comprehend the customers core issue
- Maintain a supply of software, parts, and tools on hand to handle any network issue
- Keep all promises

Pay Bill Here
RK Consulting offers our customers the option to pay their bill online using a secure credit card processing service. Please click the Pay Bill On Line button below and follow the instructions. Thank you for your payment.

Tips & Tricks
Please check current technology news, threat awareness, and simple tricks for computing on our Tips & Tricks webpage.

Fast Support
Rather than calling tech support how about trying an online support session with just one click. RK Consulting can access and control your PC and Mac computers to resolve issues quickly.